Find the Best Airbnbs
to live and work in.

Say goodbye to the common struggles of remote work by choosing quiet, clean, and comfortable accommodations with reliable Wi-Fi and all the essentials.


Noisy Neighbors

You find yourself in the midst of partygoers. This means sleepless nights even on a Monday.

Cleanliness Issues

Dust lurks in every corner, and everything feels worn out.

Bad Posture

A proper desk and a monitor would have enhanced your work comfort.
harsh light

Harsh Lighting

In many countries, having a bedside lamp or pleasant living room lighting isn’t standard.

Bad Wi-Fi

Your calls and your productivity can wait, right?

Inconsistent Hot Water

Cold showers can be invigorating, but most of times you want to relax under a warm stream.

No Window Coverings

Sleep quality can plummet without shutters or proper window coverings.

Disrupted Routines

Stays lacks sport essentials like a simple gym/yoga mat.

Tired Linens & Towels

It's disrespectful, especially considering the price you paid.

Long Searchs

The quest for the perfect stay can consume hours of your time, scrolling through endless listings and reading reviews.

Begging for Basics

Arriving at your new home only to discover you’re missing essentials put you in the uncomfortable position.

Not wanted Purchases

Sometimes, the only solution to is to purchase the missing essentials yourself.

Here is how to spot the best airbnbs for remote workers, use AI to score Airbnbs and get extra gears:

nbases specs

Our extension helps you
find the best homes to live​

The scoring database is shared by all members of our community.

Inspect your next Base

Score the essential specs for a comfortable living.

Spot Red Flags / Find Great Bases

About to book this flat for weeks?
Don’t miss an unpleasant detail...

📦 Unlock useful items

Hosts can improve their listings scores by upgrading them.
So, if a guest stay long enough, host can upgrade with missing essentials for you!

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